Rail Vikas Nigam (RVNL) shares gained 7 per cent within the early commerce to Rs 267.8 in Tuesday’s intraday commerce on BSE after the agency signed an MoU with the Airports Authority of India (AAI).“RVNL has signed MoU with Airports Authority of India (AAI) for building of subway/underpass to attach the operational space to the Airport Authority of India residential colony in Kolkata,” the company said in an exchange filing.On March 20, the company bagged a Rs 339-crore contract from Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited. “The company has received the Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited for design and construction of elevated viaduct between PCMC and NIGDI (Bhakti Shakti) on the North-South Corridor of Pune Metro Rail Project- Reach l -Extension,” the corporate mentioned in trade submitting.Earlier in March, RVNL gained two tasks price Rs 386 crore from Central Railway and Maharashtra Metro Rail Company Restricted.The corporate has not too long ago acquired a letter of award (LoA) from the Himachal Pradesh State Electrical energy Board for the event of distribution infrastructure in each north and south zones of the state.The entire value of the challenge for the north zone is Rs 409.65 crore and it’s anticipated to be accomplished inside 24 months. The south zone challenge has a complete value of Rs. 888.56 crore and likewise needs to be accomplished in 24 months.Aparna DebAparna Deb is a Subeditor and writes for the enterprise vertical of News18.com. Sh…Learn Morefirst printed: March 26, 2024, 13:16 ISTNews18 Be part of our Whatsapp channel
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