ICICI business loan
ICICI business loan : You will be not having any kind of problem related to money and you will be able to start your own business. So friends, if you also want to start your own business, which you were not able to do due to lack of money, then read this post till the end.
Today the name of the bank from which we will talk about taking a business loan is ICICI Bank. Friends, today we will know that how you can apply for a business loan from ICICI Bank, how much interest will be charged on taking a business loan from ICICI Bank, for how long will you get a business loan from ICICI Bank, and much more, we are here today in this post. I will learn So friends, without delay, let’s start this post of ours today.
For how long will I get a business loan from ICICI Bank?
you will get 12 to 72 months to repay the business loan from ICICI Bank.
How much interest will be charged on taking business loan from ICICI Bank?
you will have to pay 12%-13% interest on the loan amount from ICICI Bank.
What are the documents required to take business loan from ICICI Bank?
KYC Documents
Duly filled in the application form by the customer
Relevant financial documents
Bank account statement of last 6 months
Pan Card
Business Proof
How to take Business Loan from ICICI Bank?
First of all, you have to log in to the ICICI Bank website.
After this, you have to select the option of business loan and click on apply online.
After that, you have to enter all your information. For example – your turnover, name, phone number. Etcetera
After that, you have to upload all the documents to it.
After that, if you are eligible for the loan then you will get the loan amount in your account.
ICICI which business loan from the bank – who can?
To know whether you are eligible for a business loan or not and if so, how much loan you are eligible for, you can calculate your eligibility by logging on to the official website of ICICI Bank.