AHMEDABAD: Adani Complete Energies E-Mobility Restricted (ATEL), an entirely owned subsidiary of Adani Complete Gasoline Restricted (ATGL) on Thursday introduced it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with car large, Mahindra and Mahindra (M&M), to speed up EV adoption. As a part of the MoU the 2 firms goal at creating an expansive charging infrastructure for electrical automobiles throughout India.“The partnership will also entail rolling out e-mobility solutions to provide seamless access to the charging network for the customers covering discovery, availability, navigation, and transactions,” in keeping with a press release by M&M.Suresh P Manglani, government director & CEO, ATGL mentioned, “This is one more step towards expanding the footprint of ATGL in the EV space. The collaboration with M&M for the charging infrastructure will bolster the confidence of customers to embrace EV technology as part of the energy transition. Such steps will help reduce carbon emissions, and help India meet its climate action goals.”Veejay Nakra, president – automotive division, M&M mentioned, “This alliance is a cornerstone in enhancing the EV charging infrastructure, ensuring our customers enjoy seamless access to the charging network and digital integration for an unparalleled EV experience. We are actively on-boarding multiple partners to broaden the EV ecosystem, driving the adoption of electric vehicles.”
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